If you purchase a cot wedge then this will mean the Sensor Pad has to work a little harder to pick up movements from your baby’s chest area.
Therefore you need to consider the combined depth of mattress and the cot wedge under baby’s chest area.
You would also need to take into account if baby is sleeping in a sleeping bag and babygro and vest etc. as this might make a difference. The more layers between baby and the Sensor Pad can make it harder for the Sensor Pad to fully detect your baby's movement and you may receive false alarms
However, you are able to change the sensitivity on all Angelcare Movement Monitors which can help the Sensor Pad to be able to detect baby’s movements.
It is a bit of a trial and error really and you might find that you do get a few false alarms as if baby moves up the wedge or lies on their side then this might cause the unit to alarm.
Reflux can go around 6 months so this might be a short term issue that you have to manage and in the longer term your baby might not need a cot wedge.
Some of our previous mums have also told us about a good source of information. This link leads you to the Living with Reflux organisation.
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