I'm not going into detail on how to activate/deactivate the alarm and setup, this article is more for the reasoning behind our choices as a brand. There are some great articles available by our Customer Services team that assist with these actions.
Quite simply, Angelcare Movement Monitors are set to detect movement from first use.
This actually means that even if you haven't connected the Sensor Pad to your monitor system, it will still try to detect movement, then when it can't (after 20 seconds), it will alarm.
Movement, and the Sensor Pad, is the core focus of Angelcare as a monitor brand. This is why the movement feature comes activated as standard. Being our primary feature, we expect (and would like!) the users of our products to want this feature available from the moment they switch on their new product.
It is actually a regular point of discussion to whether or not we should be set up this way. We understand that some situations users don't want the feature activated and vice versa. However, we always come back to the point that movement and monitoring baby, is our core focus.
Because of the above, we always advise users to setup their Angelcare product when there are no disruptions and distractions around. Before baby is born would be the perfect time to test and get used to all the bits and bobits you'll be using to help you nurture a precious new life.
You can use the nice calm environment to go through the features of your Angelcare product and are able to adjust settings and ensure setup is how you want it.
In reality, sometimes getting a spare moment before a new baby is born (never mind when they finally arrive!) seems like an impossible task. Another option for you is our Customer Service team, who are available to discuss this and assist during the working week (Mon-Fri | 9am-5pm) in getting your product setup just right.
Before we finish, I want to share a few other useful points to remember:
- After twenty (20) seconds if no movement is detected by the Sensor Pad you will hear the main alarm from both the Parent Unit AND the Nursery/Camera Unit
The main alarm is a serious of loud continuous beeps
- the intention is to wake baby to resume movement and ensure parent/carer is aware
- You can disable the movement function completely
- You can put the movement detection on HOLD for moments where baby is in and out of their sleeping area
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