The sensitivity level on all Angelcare Movement Monitors is preset when you use them for the first time - Level 3. This is suitable for most standard cots, cots beds and should only be adjusted if required.
To ensure that the sensitivity level of the monitors is correct for your baby`s mattress carry out the following Four Corner Test for your model:
Please Note: your baby must NOT be in the cot during this test.
Switch the Parent & Nursery Unit ON.
Gently place your hand on the surface of the mattress in the furthest corner and wait for 20 seconds.
*If the movement alarm does not sound from the Parent & Nursery Unit (series of loud continuous beeps) repeat in the remaining 3 corners.
Remove your hand from the mattress and step away from the cot (the Sensor Pad is sensitive enough to detect your movement if you are touching the cot)
**Due to the lack of movement, after 20 seconds the movement alarm will sound from the Parent & Nursery Unit.
Place your hand on the mattress and after a few seconds the alarm will cease - this is because the Sensor Pad has detected your movement on the surface of the mattress.
*If the alarm sounds when you place your hand in any of the corners turn the sensitivity up a level and repeat the Four Corner Test.
**If the monitor does not alarm when you step away from the cot, turn the sensitivity down a level and repeat the Four Corner Test.
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