This is a question that we are often asked and whether your Sensor Pad is new, been used for a more than one baby, wired or wireless the function is still the same.
Without too much technical jargon:
The Angelcare Sensor Pad can be compared to a microphone that converts tiny vibrations in the air (sound) into a signal.
To explain, Angelcare Movement Monitors do not monitor your baby’s breathing or heart. Angelcare Movement Monitors monitor your baby’s actual movements/vibrations on the surface of their mattress.
The Angelcare Sensor Pad converts even the smallest of your baby's movements over the surface of your baby's mattress into a tiny signal.
The Sensor Pad itself has a large collecting surface (the top) which transfers and concentrates movement into the centre of the pad. These movements do not have to be made directly over the top of the pad as, baby`s mattress itself will transfer the vibration forces.
Therefore, baby does not have to be lying above the Sensor Pad in order to detect their movement. The Angelcare Sensor Pad can detect baby's movements on the full surface of baby's mattress, from corner to corner - wherever baby is lying and can be adjusted to suit (but only if required).
These small movements become concentrated in the centre of the pad where they are detected by a Piezo Crystal. This crystal has the property of producing a small signal in proportion to the change in force applied to it.
The signal from the Sensor Pad goes to the Nursery/Camera Unit where it is magnified hundreds of times by an amplifier.
When there is NO movement detected on the surface of baby`s mattress there is no change in force on the crystal hence, no signal is produced and after 20 seconds the monitor will alarm to alert you and baby
When there IS movement detected on the surface of baby`s mattress a signal is produced in sympathy with these movements and the monitor will not alarm as no alert is required
Importantly, whilst the Angelcare Sensor Pad can detect movement it cannot differentiate between baby`s, yours or another form of movement in or attached to their crib and may not alarm if required.
Therefore, when monitoring baby’s movements you should not use a crib mobile, any toy that plays music,emits white noise etc in or attached to the crib, a fan directed at/near the crib – these all emit a form of movement, albeit very small on the surface of the mattress or the crib itself.
If you are using a bedside crib you are unable to use the Sensor Pad when it is attached/touching your bed. When any bedside crib is attached/next to your bed the Sensor Pad cannot be used as it is sensitive enough to detect movements on the surface of your mattress.
To establish whether your Sensor Pad is at the correct sensitivity level for your baby`s mattress we would advise to carry out the very simple “Four Corner Test” so: search "Four Corner Test" in our Help Centre and select your model.
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